1.08.2010 - 31.07.2012
Project coordinated by:
ªcoala cu clasele I-VIII Nr. 3,
Mediaº, Sibiu (Romania)

The project proposes, according to Agenda 21, to assist students in finding viable solutions for a safer future through a sustainable development. Current generations should be educated so that they should be able to designe a home, business, farm, using sustainable energy and natural resources of Earth, reusing waste materials and using eco-design principles, in harmony with environmental models, natural resources, social problems of the region economy.

Students will use their knowledge to fix the problems facing the living environment (water, household waste, energy, environmental pollution, green spaces) and together with partners, will formulate solutions to resolve them.

The cooperation of students and teachers during the period of the project will lead to the development of a responsible attitude towards nature and environment. The partners understand that in facing similar problems and their resolution they must act jointly and not individually, at the same time respecting cultural differences and the right to each one's personal opinion.

Collaboration between the partners to find the best solutions will stimulate participants creativity but also their competitiveness.

Through case studies, to create a common set of measures designed to help improve life quality and environmental health, dissemination of these measures in the community and their application in project activities, students and teachers involved in the project. Will contribute as active and responsible citizens to maintain and not only to improve quality environment in which we all live.

The project is due to the common desire of teachers from partner schools to develop students' lifelong learning need, for it is necessary to develop the students' skills of observation, analysis and synthesis of existing problems, the team work, to find the best solutions of responsibility in a decision.

The project, which seeks to raise awareness and educate students about the environment problems and to stimulate students' creativity in finding innovative solutions and correct but their resolution is necessary due to the realities we face:

  • increasing climate change,
  • environmental pollution,
  • gradual reduction of natural resources.

Each individual of the planet must actively contribute to maintaining the environmental quality of life.

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upload: 12.07.2010
update: Sunday, 29.08.10 17:55
This Comenius project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.