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Settling of the team (pupils and teachers) and of the activities plan. The project team was formed, establishing the responsibilities of each team member, in what concerns the activities inside the school, as well as the project meetings. The criteria for the selection of the pupils were established, as well as the means of studying the subjects of the project within the classes (disciplines: biology, chemistry, geography, foreign languages, Computer classes, Technology, Environmental Studies, etc) or within the extracurricular activities. For the good development of the project activities and the monitoring of its evolution, the calendar and the thematic of the monthly meetings of the project team were established.


The project was launched on 27 september 2010 within a video conference where all school partners participated. For our school, the event was held inside the Centre for Documentation and Information, with the participation of the pupils and the teachers (members of the project team), parents, the Mayor and the representative of the County School Inspectorate. The project was presented, as well as its objectives, activities, purposes and the school acquainted all the foreign partners. The official launching was made public with the help of the local media, which was also invited at the event.


Dedicated to the presentation of the project as well as for the ensuring of its visibility, it was launched on 27 september 2010.


The site ensured the general visibility of the project, but the individual blog of each school allowed the presentation of the development of their activities. The pupils and the teachers had the possibility to express themselves directly, to interact with the other partners and to post representative material for each activity developed within the project, proving the implication in the project.


For the traveling drawings exhibition, held before the first reunion of the project, a contest of drawings was held in our school. The drawings were exhibited and some of them were selected to represent the school within the traveling exhibition organized for each project reunion in the host school.


The first project reunion in Spain had the purpose of: establishing the calendar of the mobility for the first year of the project, establishing the tasks of each partners inside the project, establishing the activities which will develop within each school until the next project reunion, generally speaking in the first year of the project. Being the first reunion, each partner presented their country, their region, their school, their education system and the scopes of the project. The drawings of the pupils were exhibited in the traveling exhibition. Within the reunion we visited the IFF chemical plant where, even though the work is done with toxic substances, the activities are not aggressive for the environment, due to extreme care. All hazards and residues are neutralized before overflow so they won't be polluting. The school which hosted the first project reunion lies in Benicarlo, where all the participants had the opportunity to see many times and in many locations advertising banners of the principles of Agenda 21. Benicarlo is a town where selective collection of the waste, protection of the environment and of the resources is regarded as a civil obligation by the local authorities and community.


For the identification of the environmental issues that each country or region faces, the school elaborated a series of items from which some relevant ones for all schools were selected. The sociologic pattern for the application of the survey was established. This was applied to 50 pupils. By interpreting the answers, the environmental problems were identified and the following actions were established: education and acknowledgement activities for the pupils and the community, education and promoting campaigns for the need of durable and sustainable developing of the environment.


Having established the environmental issues, the pupils and the teachers made flyers, and banners which were distributed inside the school, in the community for acknowledging of the necessity of the environmental protection, of maintaining it proper, of the importance of the conservation of the natural resources by using recyclable materials.


Taking into consideration the carbon print of Romania and with the help of the application and interpretation of the questionnaire, the impact of the daily activities upon the environmental lifestyle of the school was established. The pupils learned that all the activities developed may contribute directly or indirectly to the consuming of the resources, to the pollution of the environment, to affecting the life conditions. The pupils acknowledged the importance of a durable and sustainable development (which won't affect the quality of the environmental lifestyle).


Within this reunion, the results of the environment survey were presented, analyzed and compared, observing which were the common problems and which the specific ones. Then the conclusions of the survey referring to the carbon print of the school were presented. Each school presented the proposed and accomplished activities for the diminishing of the environmental issues (designing and distributing flyers, banners, debates, etc). A workshop was organized in which the pupils, divided into groups, made decorative devices out of recyclable material. Lodz was presented, a town which is industrial, in which there are various types of manufacturers, but which is maintained proper by the means of the intense care of the local authorities for the environment. Tasks were established for each school until the next reunion in Turkey. The traveling exhibition was held again, with the eco-drawings of the pupils.


For the International Water Day, the school organized an exhibition where the pupils exhibited photographs and drawings. With the help of representatives from the town hall of Medias, an ecologic action was held at Barajul Ighisul Nou. The representatives SC Gospodaria Comunala SA, who manage the dam, presented to the pupils the importance of their action and the importance of maintaining a proper environment for the quality of life in general.

22 Martie 2011

Cu ocazia Zilei Mondiale a Apei un grup de elevi din școala noastră, insotiti de doamna profesoara Gabriela Schreiner, a facut o vizita la amenajarea hidrotehnica Barajul Ighis.

Elevii au primit o mulțime de informații interesante despre scopul construirii acestui baraj, modul său de funcționare și unele date tehnice relevante. Ulterior au fost desfășurate activități de ecologizare a zonei limitrofe.


The pupils, organized in groups, made objects of recyclable material. They made decorative crafts, garments (which the pupils wore for a thematic carnival) and greeting cards. The crafts were exhibited inside the school and some were selected to be presented to the partners in further reunions.


A drawing contest was organized inside the school for designing a symbol mostly relevant to the theme of the project - the project logo. The project team selected the most representative drawing which was proposed for the logo competition elaborated by the partners. Even though not the wining one, our logo is available on the school blog.


During this reunion, a monitoring of the project and evaluation of the first project year were made, settling the activities to be run and the necessary measures to finalize the project successfully. The participants were invited to visit the National Park Pirin to observe the way the Bulgarian authorities understand to protect the environment, and then the partners visited the touristic resort of Bansko, in the Pirin Mountains, as an example of durable and sustainable development, based on conservation and protection of environment. Within some mixed workshops, partners worked on an eco calendar, for which they proposed the use of photos that were relevant for the activities that took place in the partner schools, on themes like environment protection and mentioning the important dates of the international ecological calendar, as well as the ecological events in each country. Keeping the tradition from the other project reunions, an exhibition was organized, with pupils' works on ecological themes, and on the way the regenerating resources were used.


Each semester, after each project reunion, presentations of the project were made within the Teacher's Meetings, meetings of the Parents' Council. Within these presentations, the way the pupils and teachers got involved in performing the project activities was highlighted. The fact that, getting involved in performing different activities motivates the pupils, both for developing their knowledge of a foreign language and for study in general, observing an improvement of school results. The activities run in school and within the project reunions were presented.


In order to save the natural resources and, at the same time, to reduce the factors that, directly or indirectly, pollute the environment, actions were initiated on the theme: "Turn off the light!" "Turn off the water!", "Walk - One Day without the Car!". The pupils made flyers and leaflets where they explained why it was so important to save water, electric power, fossil fuel, and to reduce pollution, as much as possible.


The pupils, organized in workshops, manufactured different products out of recyclable materials. They made decorative objects, clothes (that they put on at a thematic carnival), "martisoare" (March tokens) and cards. The objects made were displayed in school, and part of them was selected to be presented to partners within the future project reunions.


The reunion in Portugal was kept in a town where the modern architecture mingles beautifully with the traditional ones, and having a natural environment where the green area that were numerous and generous were well kept. It was another European example of economical and social development based on conservation of the environment, both for the town aspect and for the improvement of the air quality, a natural filter provided by the Mediterranean vegetation. By visiting the SMAS Company, that manages the water reserves and its distribution to the community, the participants could know and observe the way the consumption water was treated and purified, at high quality level, and also the domestic water which was purged. The Company presented the educational programs that it ran within the museum, by interactive methods that proved to be attractive for the pupils. As with each reunion, an exhibitions with drawings and posters was made, to which we added the products manufactured by the pupils in our school (exhibition of "martisoare", cards and decorations made of recyclable material). The eco anthem was sung within an artistic program presented by the pupils of the host school.


In April, declared the "Forest month", the school pupils, advised by their teachers and the representatives of the Forest Office Medias, together with volunteers from the community, with the support of the local authorities, planted young trees in an area near the town.


Being the last project reunion, a final evaluation of the project was made, all the activities run were reviewed, relevant proof for building the project portfolio were gathered. The partners debated on the mutual products made, on the way the final report was to be written. At the Centre for Documentation and Information "The Gas Museum" in Medias, the partners were presented a modern way of exploiting the methane gas, a natural resource, without affecting the environment. A modality of compacting the plastic recipients (PET) was presented, in view of reusing them by recycling. We visited the stations for purging the used water in Medias and Mohu, modernized stations with new technologies. The administrative representatives highlighted, beside the advantages of new technologies for purging, the programs and informing materials that they distribute for educating and informing the citizens regarding the importance of keeping some quality marks of water.


All the relevant materials, the proof for performing the activities within the project (presentations, essays, projects, photos, drawings, posters, flyers, work sheets, questionnaires) were grouped into a portfolio.