The project was launched during a videoconference, at the same time, in all the partner schools, in the presence of students and teachers, as well as the partners of each school: representatives of local authority, local community, and parents. In this context the partners met and the project was described: objectives, activities to be run and the results aimed at. For popularization, the event was reflected by the media. |
To view the project, in order to present it, its site was launched, too. |
In order to stimulate creativity, competition, but also for exchanging opinions, ideas, experiences between the students and teachers in partner schools, one blog was built for each partner school. Thus, the partners could interact easier, and they could be kept informed about the activities in each school. The activities were posted right after taking place, by each partner school. |
Romania |
Spain |
Poland |
Turkey |
Portugal |
Bulgaria |
For identifying the environment problems each school (region where partner school lies) faces, each school elaborated a series of items, from which, in the end, the items that were relevant for all the schools involved were selected. This questionnaire was applied to students, on a representative sample, selected in the same way in all the schools, and the final interpretation contains statistic data referring to the identified environment problems. Activities for educating the students and the community, both during classes as well as by campaigns for educating and promoting the necessity of durable and sustainable development of environment, were elaborated and run, depending on the problems identified by each school. |
Based on the environment problems identified after applying the questionnaire in each school, we elaborated flyers and posters which were distributed to students, parents, school partner institutions, in view of them acknowledging the necessity of protecting the environment, and for promoting the importance of a durable development. These campaigns were sustained by the students and teachers participating in local radio and TV programs, as well as by publishing articles on school site, educational sites, and mass-media. |
Starting from the fact that, at a European level, the carbon footprint of every country is known, by applying and interpreting a mutual questionnaire in each school, we tried to establish the impact of daily activities on the life environment of each partner school-region, referred to the level of each country. In this way, the involved partners, students and teachers, got familiarized with the syntagm - carbon footprint - respectively the contribution of all the activities run to polluting and affecting the life environment. Possible solutions for reducing the carbon print were identified |
On World Water Day, each school ran activities dedicated to this event. Power point presentations were made, students made essays, contests were organized, drawing and photo exhibitions, schools participated, together with representatives of local authorities/communities, to actions for greening the main water courses in the area. |
An eco calendar was made in order to mark all the ecological actions run in each school, as well as the events in the international ecological calendar. Depending on the specific of each month, there are suggestive photos of the greening activities made by each school, and world ecological events are mentioned, as well as the events in each partner school. |
In order to choose the project logo, each school made a contest and selected a logo, which participated in the final competition, where, by the vote of representative students and teachers of the partner schools, the most representative logo for the project was settled and selected. This was the one proposed by the students in Poland. |
Workshops were organized in each school where the students made a series of products of recyclable materials: paper, carton, plastic, metal. An exhibition was made with these products, within the project reunion in Portugal. |
Students from each school participated at workshops and expressed by their drawings the significance of a clean environment, the importance of protecting the environment and ways of accomplishing this. These drawings were grouped even at the first project reunion in an exhibition of student drawings, and they accompanied the partners at each reunion, being displayed in each hosting school. |
The proof for all the activities run by students and teachers within the project, is contained by the project portfolio: questionnaires, statistic interpretations, photos, power point presentations, flyers, brochures. |